Möbelfakta is a complete reference and labeling of furniture-system based in Sweden - which includes both technical, environmental and ethical production methods. As a first step we have chosen to label a selection of Blå Station furniture following the strict requirements of Möbelfakta.

Möbelfakta basic criteria include guidelines in three areas: quality, environment and social responsibility.
The environmental requests of Möbelfakta are based upon criterias from the Environmental Control Council. That means demand for both low environmental impact and good quality. Furniture with high durability ar in itself an environmental advantage, because they do not need to be replaced in a near future. The furniture is tested on sustainability, stability and safety before they are approved for Möbelfakta.
The technical requirements are based on established European and international standards (among others EN and ISO) and the requirements of social responsibility is based on principles of UN Code of Conduct.
Möbelfakta have chosen to illustrate aspects of CSR as one of the most important and vulnerable areas. As fa furniture producer take consideration in a number of social and ethical aspects, including terms of responsibility towards workers and the conditions during production. It covers areas that many take for granted, but not all, of course lives up to - to distance themselves from corruption, forced labor and child labor to name a few.
To ensure maximum quality audited Möbelfakta criteria continuously updated to reflect latest applicable standards.
For more information, please visit Möbelfakta's homepage.