Andreas Sture, August Hugoson and Kristofer Jonsson, present and former industrial designers at White, all prefer wood and a fully sustainable approach to design.
Decoration is back after having been relegated to the past in much of minimalist design, although Louis Sullivan's famous dictum Form Follows Function did not really make the 19th century architect does away with decoration, only making it secondary to function. The late Italian design veteran Alessandro Mendini went even further claiming that ornament is a requisite necessary to perfect function, otherwise it just lifeless and bland.
'Turn is rather a play with geometrical forms than with the past,' counters Andreas Sture at White, who together with his former colleagues Kristofer Jonsson and August Hugoson, created Turn for the post-pandemic office.
'There is a need for a homely vibe at the office, especially for the in-between spaces that tend to take after the living room at home with a flexible and easy-going feeling.’